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Radical Tech Companies Helping and Not Commodifying Humanity

Radical Tech Companies Helping and Not Commodifying Humanity

Posted 13 October 2020

Written by Kirsten Macdonald

Artificial intelligence is the art of a 

computing system 

making decisions with the capability of 

performing tasks 

human prompting.

This entails assembling and evolving algorithms so quickly and seamlessly, it is a form of intelligence. Now more intelligent 

according to the experts than us. This is not a plot to a movie; this is the internet space of twenty-twenty. 

Did you get the notification? 

Seamless algorithms are a welcome agency when you are saving lives, sending information, access to education or 

assisting in times of crisis along with the capacity for positive social cohesion. Algorithmic designs can be like a

beautiful mathematical dance of logic and coding genius. However, when used for persuasive techniques designed 

to capitalize on human weakness for profits we have on our hands a superpower, only a few have access to with unclear rules. 

A problematic dilemma one might say.

Click here to read the full article by Kirsten Macdonald



Posted 19 April 2020
"Bringing transparency, affordability, technology and automation to the property sector is my passion." Julie O'Donohue Founder and CEO of Next Address ...
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What do millennials want to see in your home decor

What do millennials want to see in your home decor?

Posted 21 June 2016
And how do we present our home to appeal? As time passes by, we realise that soon the moment will come when we will have to step back and leave the podium to the newer generations. The ...
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