Refund Policy
Did we not fulfil your expectations?
At Next Address our focus is on providing exceptional customer service - we take all issues and concerns seriously and see any raised as an opportunity to improve our service and our business.
If you are not entirely satisfied with our service and believe you deserve a refund, we're here to help. You have 90 calendar days from using our service as a buyer, seller or agent to outline your issues or concerns.
To be eligible for a refund, your issue must be received in writing, either by email or mail. Once we receive your correspondence, we will review your account and the issue. We will notify you within 7 days on the status of your issue or concern. If a refund is required and approved, we will initiate a refund to your credit card (or original method of payment). You will receive the credit within 30 days, depending on your card issuer's policies.
Thank you for using Next Address Pty Ltd
Julie O'Donohue