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Blog articles - Giving

Next Address has big aspirations: to give generously

Why Give?

At Next Address, we are passionate about creating a very different business model that integrates giving to the not for profit sector as an integral element. Every member of the team shares this underlying principle. Most have worked with or for charities or donated significant time and energy to their chosen Not for Profit or Social Enterprise.

"donated significant time and energy."

The real estate sector turns over more than $16 billion a year in Australia alone, and this figure continues to grow. Charities are always looking for ways to raise both their profile and much-needed funds, often competing against each other with events and activities. By recognising this, we can support some charities for a chosen period, providing a guaranteed source of funds for a project or need.

"providing a guaranteed source of funds."

At Next Address, we are passionate about creating a very different real estate model which is truly a community marketplace in every sense. If you would like us to consider your preferred charity, email us your suggestion at contact@nextaddress.com.au

Julie O'Donohue

We will do this 5 ways
Divider Divider
Together we can help the world move in different ways

At Next Address our values drive all our decisions.  Thank you for joining the journey. 
  • You choose your "charity of choice" from the our list
  • You can recommend any charities to us to add to our list
  • This charity of choice registers on our portal.
  • We donate a percentage of our net profit to a selection of these charities every six months.
  • Articles from these charities will feature on the website.

a noble act, a good heart,

to learn, to give back,

YOU CHOOSE A CHARITY or a social enterprise
we give a % of our neT profit

The following are the current Next Address charities.

Ballarat Charities and Social Enterprises.

State Wide Victoria.

If you would like us to consider your preferred charity, email us your suggestion at contact@nextaddress.com.au

5 Ways to get a Christmas Buzz

5 Ways to get a Christmas Buzz?

Posted 16 December 2019

There are many so ways we can spend our hard-earned dollars - but what happens when you give to someone else instead?

We all know that giving to others can make you feel good about yourself. This is not news to most of us, our psychological, spiritual and emotional well-being are all improved.

Feeling good about giving

A study by Harvard Business School faculty and graduate students titled " Feeling Good about Giving: The Benefits (and Costs) of Self-Interested Charitable Behaviour" explores the ways in which being charitable can lead to a number of key benefits.

Here are five great reasons to give:

1. In Australia, donations are tax-deductible - that's a buzz

We are lucky enough to actually get a tax benefit. When you donate to a charitable organisation or a non-profit group, the amount you donate is tax-deductible. So we get back when we give.

2. Giving to charity may improve your sense of well-being

You will feel a little bit better about the world and that's something we all need. Giving to others creates an improved sense of personal well-being. Even in a small act, in your subconscious, you know that you may have made a difference to another person's life and circumstance.

3. You learn

Your brain gets a buzz! Often when you donate to a charity you learn more about their work and the issues connected with their work. You may also meet the people involved in the work and the charity. As a direct result, you are more educated about the world around you and the plight of others. This experience may affect your thinking politically and socially.

4. Giving to charity can strengthen your spiritual life

Your soul gets a buzz too! In many religious and spiritual belief systems giving is integral to the whole system. Recognising that you have taken action in line with your spiritual beliefs by offering your resources to others in need can bring a sense of well-being and personal contentment.

5. Physical and social benefits may occur

Your body gets a buzz! In some cases you may be involved in physical work: delivering food, cleaning up outdoor areas, packing goods. As a result, you may feel a high degree of satisfaction that "you have actually have done something for someone else" who you do not even know.

This is a wonderful quote:

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded;
and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."
(Luke 12:48)

So, for those of us who have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and are able to buy and sell our own homes, giving to others is a gift we can share.

General | Giving
Video lets share 6 billion dollars

Video: let's share 6 billion dollars.

Posted 13 November 2015
 The real estate sector in Australia is worth 6 BILLION dollars a year.  We believe that within this sector we can create a very different real estate model with a focus on cu...