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Mastercraft Article Series Set To Inspire Australian Homes

Mastercraft Article Series Set To Inspire Australian Homes

Posted 24 April 2019
From The Walls of Yves Saint Laurent to The Bathrooms of Torquay Artisa...
General | Our Stories and News
7 simple ways to protect your home these Easter holidays

7 simple ways to protect your home these Easter holidays

Posted 18 April 2019
Easter holidays are seen as our final 'hurrah' with Summer, a great time to get away with the family. Let's not allow our home to be a prime target for burglars to access our unoccupied homes. Let's l...
General | Selling Tips
Your Solution To Being A More Effective Real Estate Sales Professional

Your Solution To Being A More Effective Real Estate Sales Professional

Posted 09 April 2019
Let's look at the positives.  We all know real estate transacting is a tougher gig right now...
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What The 2019 Federal Budget Means For Your Family

What The 2019 Federal Budget Means For Your Family

Posted 08 April 2019
The winners from the 2019 federal budget are middle-income workers, small and medium businesses, and older Australians wanting to ramp up their super contributions. ...
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Making better property decisions with better information

Making better property decisions- with better information.

Posted 04 April 2019
The road to selling need not be difficult: let's help you find your next address with these extra tools and tips. Choosing how to sell your current home is one o...
General | Selling Tips
Look carefully when buying a home

Look carefully when buying a home

Posted 22 March 2019
What a boring topic- building inspections: but this action could really save you $$$$. There are many things you need to do before ...
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8 ideas to help buy a property quicker

8 ideas to help buy a property quicker!

Posted 22 March 2019
So, you are well on the way to having a good deposit and are ready to look at what you can afford to buy seriously.  So, you are well on the way to ...
General | Buying Tips


Posted 10 March 2019
THE TRUE COST OF A SEA-CHANGE TO WARRNAMBOOL   Few places in the world offer you the opportunity to live in a location that fe...
General | Buying Tips
Join the Conversation

Join the Conversation.

Posted 27 February 2019
I am excited to invite you to join the Next Address Community. It is a great place to discover and learn about 'All things Real Estate.' Our passion is...
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