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Take control of your real estate journey with Next Address

Take control of your real estate journey with Next Address

Posted 02 October 2020

By choosing a new path 

Here at Next Address, we are driven by the knowledge that it's time for better communication, more control, and greater transparency in the property sector. We are passionate about creating a smart, affordable, service-driven real estate platform that gives you complete control of your real estate experience. We are empowering Australians to take the buying and selling process into their own hands, negotiating property sales on their terms as well as potentially saving tens of thousands of dollars.

Australia has a love affair with the peer-to-peer 'marketplaces'. We see this every day with services like Uber and Airbnb. Why not add buying and selling homes to the mix? In France, 40% of people sell their own homes using online marketplaces, and over 30% of households in New Zealand are sold privately. The United States of America sells 20% of houses using smart online property portals and a service delivery-based model. In Canada, these stats are even higher at over 33%.

Online models such as Next Address are providing a much-needed change in the way we negotiate the real estate experience, resulting in better outcomes for the consumer. Based on reviews from overseas, I can whole-heartedly say that DIY, for sale by owner, person-to-person real estate transactions are the way forward for property sales in Australia.

How does Next Address work?

We are an online real estate community where you can buy and sell your own home or find a highly-skilled, ethical professional to manage and secure a sale on your behalf. At Next Address, we are driven by our integrity and ethics and only work with people who are fully committed to these values.

We utilise proprietary technology designed to reduce costs and save you money. We don't believe in newspaper and print marketing and know that smart visual and online marketing is the most effective way to sell in 2020. 

Finding the right real estate agent just got easier.

Selling your home is one of the most significant decisions you make followed closely by choosing how you want to sell and with who you want to sell. At Next Address we are passionate about providing positive new choices for these decisions, empowering you to buy and sell property on your own, and connecting you with the right Property Partner who holds integrity, communication, and your best interest as their highest priority.

At Next Address, we give you choice, transparency and savings. With our system and our network of professionals, we take the stress and uncertainty out of finding a real estate agent and aim to provide you with positive and unique property experiences.

Get better results with a Next Address Property Partner.

We call our sales team Property Partners, as we know that successfully selling your home requires an open and honest partnership. Like a real estate agent, our Property Partners assist clients in selling, finding and negotiating the sale of a home. All of our team members have backgrounds in customer and community service, general sales and then real estate. They are fundamentally people-focussed. We attract people who radiate integrity, are brilliant listeners, and embrace the changing technology and landscape of the real estate sector. 

Our values drive every decision we make here at Next Address, influencing the people who work with us and the people who choose us to sell their home. With our network of ethical Property Partners, finding a real estate agent with integrity is now as simple as signing up with Next Address.

It's time for better communication, more control, and greater transparency in the property sector.

Here at Next Address, we understand your frustrations with the current model of buying and selling real estate. We have conducted extensive research into the property market and interviewed many buyers and sellers, identifying areas which must be improved for consumers to have a positive, empowered and transparent real estate experience.

The real estate industry in Australia has not seen much change over the past 50 years, and we have seen little improvement in agent training. In 2018, 15. real estate agencies were fined for either over-quoting or fraudulent behaviour. In many cases, sellers are treated as a potential commission rather than actual people. Buyers often experience poor communication and a lack of sales follow-up.

Approximately 30% of surveyed buyers and sellers were dissatisfied with their real estate experience, 26% rated their experience as poor, and 4% as disastrous. At Next Address, we are driven to change these statistics and improved the status of the industry.

We need greater value and accuracy in the sales process.

While we have seen growth in online advertising through real estate websites, the costs involved in selling a house have only increased. The major online real estate advertising portals are expensive. Their property fees are structured in blocks of 45 days and in such a way which support the larger agencies. 

More concerning to us is the high cost to advertise on the main meal estate platforms as well as how the fees are structured. Suburb prices have variations of over 100% and house type, size and value is not considered in the fee structure. To give you two advertising fee comparisons for the same size small online advertisement. 


  • $2M home in Ballarat cost $400 compared to a $2M townhouse in Black Rock @ $1009.  
  • $500k home and a $2M home both in Ballarat both cost the same $400 advertising fee. 
The search parameters are often seen as limiting the properties shown to home buyers, and buyers often complain they receive notifications about houses for sale which don't match their search criteria. In interviews we have conducted with people wanting to buy a home, they confirmed that they were sent emails to properties outside their budget or not in their preferred location. Visiting unsuitable houses, recommended by these websites or invited by real estate agents, is simply a waste of everyone's time.


Aussies love online marketplaces.

As you know, Australians have been experimenting with direct selling for years.  We use the latest ride-sharing, dating and accommodation apps with gusto. We have embraced social media and our smartphones more than any other country.

With Next Address, we can now add "sell a house online" to this emerging trend. By having more control over the management of your property and reducing (or even removing) third party involvement in the sales process, buyers and sellers will save time, money, stress and uncertainty.

Take control of your real estate journey and enjoy the benefits.

With Next Address, buyers and sellers eliminate issues such as miscommunication or lack of follow-up and gain complete control over the entire process. Supported by great property specialists such as Greville Pabst  buyer-to-seller transactions enable both parties to quickly and effectively communicate their needs, helping them to achieve the best possible outcome.

Here at Next Address, we are passionate about providing a smart, affordable, service-driven real estate platform that gives you complete control over your real estate experience - and remember, control is your greatest asset!

Written by Julie O'Donohue
Next Address Founder 

Reviewed and rewritten 02/10/2020

2015 Perceptions of Real Estate Agents

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