Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have heard the H-word. Yes- Hipster. A name coined to describe the eclectic genre of beatnik, boho hybrid human; guilty of effortless creativity and progressive nonconformist style and suave.
At Next Address, we are always interested in economic growth drivers in property, and entertaining concepts. So hang on to your vintage bicycles and repurposed jam jars as we uncover the sought-after Hipster havens of Melbourne!
One of the oldest in Melbourne, Collingwood is a beloved suburb, rich in character and history. It's North Eastern city position makes it a short walk to many popular cafes and restaurants, with its stories and industrial edge. But one particular place has coffee lovers flocking. Located at 200 Wellington Street Proud Marys is an education hub running courses, a café, coffee roaster and brown bean extravaganza.
Established in 2009 by founder Nolan Hirte, Proud Mary's supports coffee farmers, teaching Baristas and has a wholesale division as well as the ever sought after Aunty Peg's café.

With liquids on offer like Rice Beer, and coffee listed on social media as featuring floral aromatics, super silky and creamy, orange citrus, stewed apricot, and peach- who can be denied? The menu features Saskia Beer Farm Produce with freekah & herb salad, roast grape, sheep's milk labne and eggplant jam leaves, all sourced as locally as possible. You can see why it leaves one feeling so impressed! Proud's support of small producers, the creativity, and talent involved with something so left of center, and don't even get us started on the mouth-watering decadence, no wonder folks are flocking. It's coffee subscription is just priceless with our Next Address office ready to get a Collingwood caffeine fix as soon as possible.
With just under 15,000 residents and a median house price that has seen an impressive climb, Carlton is Melbourne's foodie sanctuary. With its everlasting café culture and central location to Universities, it should come as no surprise that Carlton attracts the fashionably unfashionable with a love for back stories and vintage couture.
In amongst Carlton's mid-Victorian era housing, red brick facades, and bustling atmosphere, one particular main stayer at 205 Faraday Street has been a place of pilgrimage for theater lovers for 50 years.
Cherished by the Arts community La Mama's intimate and cozy space of creativity has called Carlton home since 1967. A not-for-profit theater internationally recognized for it's fostering of new works and experimental theater, La Mama's nonmainstream approach makes it a must-do on the Hipster list. Founder Betty Burstall says it is "essentially a playwright's theater, a place where new ways of expression can be tried out." Lonely Planet lovingly describes this actor's haunt as 'literally the mother of independent theater in Melbourne.' Impressive right?

When looking at inner city Melbourne, how can you go past a place named Ferdyderke? Nestled between Lonsdale and Little Burke, at 31 Tattersalls Lane, this heart of city laneway culture is the rabbit hole of thriving beats and eats, one of the oldest in Melbourne.
Described by its owners as a bar/venue/gallery/kitchen/performance space and with menu items such as Love Child- Roast pumpkin and chickpea fritter, preserved lemon and mint salad and spiced sour cream who could resist? Or perhaps a Brooklyn Meatball Slider, with a Tomato and Vodka Glaze with Beer Sauce and House Pickles is more your gig. There is not a deconstructed grilled cheese in sight, but a sophisticated and well thought out experience. Either way, this industrialized urban space has become an endearing choice for
lively get-togethers, palavers, and dance. Regular DJ's and live entertainment have customers posting rave reviews online, and Ferdyderke has a jammed packed atmosphere on weekends.

It might just be possible that these culturally rich and eclectic spaces are contributing to the popularity and strong buyer demand in these uber groovy areas. Hipster heaven is alive and well, so Kudos Melbourne, we tip our hats and beards to you!