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Sell developments with Next Address

COVID-19: Click here for an update on buying and selling during restrictions

Sell your developments and display homes

We'll make it easier, more effective and great value for you to sell your developments with Next Address. 

We are a team of highly experienced people and our unique tools streamline and reduce the costs of selling. We'll give you better value for money because we can do more with less.

Here's how.

We will work with you to upload your properties on to Next Address which automatically activates your listings on the large advertising sites.

On activation, your properties will instantly match with 'off the plan' interested buyers including our growing first home buyer and investor audience.

Our 3D Virtual Tours and customisable digital floor plans enable potential buyers to quickly visualise the property.  

Take a tour of our technology  here

Tape measure to represent the savings customers get on next address by selling their own home privately online

See how much you save when you sell with Next Address

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